

A lot of people feel stuck or imprisoned
or confined by their current circumstances.
And I'm trying to point out that,
whatever your circumstances right now,
that is only your current reality.
And current reality will begin to change
as a result of watching this
and beginning to use the secret.
But sometimes it feels like you're stuck
because you continue to think the same
thoughts over and over again.
And so you tend to get the same
results over and over again.
And the reason is because:
most people offer the majority of their thought
in response to what they observe
You see, if you're just looking at what is
then you're just thinking about what is.
And when you think about what is,
Law of Attraction gives you more of it.
And then, if you just observe what is,
then you're just thinking about what is.
And Law of Attraction gives you more of what is.
And then, if you just observe what...
We've been over this, have we?
(We've been over this:谈结束了,谈得太多了)
You have to find a way that you are approaching what is
through a different vantage point.
Most people look at their current
state of affairs, and they say,
"this is who I am".
That's not who you are.
That's who you were.
You see, if you look at your current state of affairs right now,
;你看, 当你面对你目前的状况的时候,
let's say, for instance, that you don't
have a lot of money in your bank account,
or you don't have the relationship that you want,
or your health and fitness isn't up to par,
that's not who you are.
That's the residual outcome of your past thoughts and actions.
So we're constantly living in this residue, if you will,
of the thoughts and the actions we've taken in the past.
When you look at your current state
of affairs and define yourself by that
then you doom yourself to have
nothing more than the same in the future.

What can you do right now to begin
to turn your life around?
I'll tell you two or three things.
Start making a list of things
to be grateful for.
Start with that, because
this shifts your energy,
it starts to shift your thinking.
Where before this exercise you might be
focusing on what you don't have,
and you might be focusing
on your complaints,
and you might be focusing on
whatever the problems are;
when you do this exercise
you start to go in a different direction,
you start to be grateful for all
the things that you feel good about.
Gratitude is absolutely the way
to bring more into your life.
Every man knows, that when his wife's
appreciating him for the little things he does,
;每个男人都知道, 当他的妻子
what does he wanna do?
He wants to do more.
It's always about the appreciation.
It pulls things in, it attracts support.
I've said for many years that whatever we
think about and thank about, we bring about.
Because that's that feeling that
you have to have, you know,
and so for me, there's been such a
powerful exercise every morning
to get up and say "thank you".
And then I start running through
what I'm grateful for
as I'm going to brush my teeth
and do the things I do in the morning.
And I'm not just thinking about
that I'm doing some road routine
but I'm putting it out there
and I'm feeling the feelings of gratitude.
As soon as you start to feel differently
about what you already have,
you will start to attract more
of the good things,
more of the things you can
be grateful for.
Because, if you look around and say,
"well look, I don't have the car I want,
I don't have the house I want,
I don't have the health I want,
I don't have the spouse I want..."
Back up. Back up.
Those are all the things that you don't want.
Focus on what you already have
that you're grateful for.
And it might be, you have the eyes to watch this.
;它可以是 -
你的眼睛可以看到的 -
It might be the clothes that you have.
Yes, you might prefer something else
and you might get something else pretty soon
if you start feeling grateful for what you have.

I think everybody goes through times when they say,
"oh man, things aren't working right"
or "things are going bad".
And there were some things going on in my family...
and I found a rock.
And I'm just sitting here holding this rock,
you might see me carrying around.
I found a rock. I stuck it in my pocket.
And I said, "you know what, every time I touch this rock
I'm gonna think of something that I'm grateful for.
And so every morning, when I get up
in the morning, I pick it up off the dresser
and put it in my pocket,
and I go through the things that I am grateful for.
At night, what do you do? You empty your pocket
and there it is again.
And I've had some different
experiences with that.
I've had some amazing experiences.
I had a guy from South Africa.
He saw me dropping it.
He said "what is that"?
What's that?
I explained it to him, so we started
calling it the gratitude rock.
Gratitude rock.
Two weeks later I got an e-mail
from him from South Africa.
He said, "my son is dying from a rare disease,
it's a type of hepatitis".
He said, "would you send me three gratitude rocks?"
There were just rocks I find off the street, you know,
so I said, "sure".
I had to make sure that the rocks were very special.
And so I went out to the stream,
looked, picked up the right rocks
and sent them off to him.
Four or five months later I get an e-mail from him.
He said, "my son's better, now he's doing terrific"
and he said, "you need to know something"
he said, "we've sold over a thousand rocks at $10 a piece
as gratitude rocks, and we raised all this
money for charity, thank you very much".
And so it's very important to be in
an attitude of gratitude, as I call it.

Another thing that I would suggest
that you do right now to turn your life around,
and this is so huge,
that I can't find the words to describe
just how powerful this can be for you...
I took the visualization process
from the Apollo programme
and instituted it during the 1980's
and 90's into the Olympic programme.
It was called "Visual Motor Rehearsal".
When you visualize,
then you materialize.
And the interesting thing
about the mind is
we took Olympic athletes
and then hooked them up to
sophisticated bio feedback equipment.
And had them run their event
only in their mind.
Incredibly, the same muscles fired
in the same sequence, when they were
running the race in their mind
as where they were running it on the track.
How this could be?
Because the mind can't distinguish
whether you're really doing it
or whether it's just a practice.
I think, if you've been there in the mind,
you go there in the body.
When you're visualizing,
when you've got that picture
playing out in your mind,
always, and only,
dwell upon the end results.
Here's an example:
look at the back of your hands right now.
Really, look at the back of your hands.
The colour of your skin,
the freckles, the blood vessels, the rings,
the fingernails, the fake fingernails...
take in all those details
right before you close your eyes.
And then see those hands, your fingers
wrapping around the steering wheel
of your brand new car.
;(brand new:崭新的)
This is such a holographic experience,
so real, so real in this moment,
that you don't even feel
like you need the car
because, it feels like
you're already have it.
It's the feeling that really
creates the attraction,
not just picture of the thought.
I think, for a lot of people,
they think,
"well if I think the positive thoughts
or if I visualize having what I want
that'll be enough",
but if you're doing that and still not feeling abundant
or feeling, you know, loving or joyful
then it doesn't, for my mind,
really create the power of the attraction.
This is where the secret actually
moves into action.
You put yourself in a feeling place
of really being in that car,
not "oh, I wish I could get that car",
or "someday I'll have that car".
Because, that's the very definite
feeling associated with that.
It's not "in an hour",
it's not, you know, "it's in the future",
- if you stay in that feeling,
it will always be in the future.
Feel the joy, feel the happiness.
No matter how silly it seems
in that dark and quiet room,
you're going "woohoo!"
Do it!
A lot of people will say, you know
"come on, do I have to do that?"
How bad do you want change?
Now, that feeling and that inner seeing
will begin to be an open doorway
through which the power of the Universe
will begin to express.
Our job is not to figure out the how.
The how will show up out of the
commitment and the belief and the what.
The hows are the domain of the Universe.
It always knows the shortest, quickest,
fastest, most harmonious way
between you and your dream.
If you're turning over to the Universe
you will be surprised and dazzled
by what is delivered to you.
This is where magic and miracles happen.
I would say that you wanna do this
virtually daily, but
my disclaimer is: this should
never be a chore.
What's really bottom line importance here
to the whole secret is feeling good.
You wanna feel exhilarated
by this whole process.
You wanna be high, happy,
in tune as much as possible.
The only difference between people
who really are living this way
and people who aren't living
in the magic of life
is that the people who are living
in the magic of life
have habituated ways of being.
They have habituated this process
and magic happens with them
wherever they go.
Because they remember it
and they do it all the time,
not as a one-time event.
People hold that for a while,
and they're really a champion at it,
and they say, "you know what,
I'm fired up, I saw this programme
and I'm gonna change my life.
And yet, you know, results aren't
showing, results aren't showing.
And beneath the surface
it's just about ready to break through.
And someone will look at the surface results
and go, "this stuff doesn't work!"
And you know what, the Universe says
"your wish is my command".
And it goes down.

Orignal From: 秘密解说10-11
